Southwest Allergy & Asthma Associates

Our Mission at Southwest Allergy and Asthma

 Dr. Joe Venzor, Physician Assistant Felix Barron, Physician Assistant Tonia Heck and Nurse Practitioner Nicole Davis and our staff aim to provide the best service for our patients and ensure that they feel comfortable and safe while receiving state of the art medical treatment. Here at Southwest Allergy and Asthma Associates, we work hard to offer the best in medical care to our patients in a friendly, efficient and prompt manner!


Now open for allergy shots inside the El Paso Sleep Center on 4305 N. Mesa. The door is one the right side of the building. If you want to transfer your shots to that location please let us know. Open Tuesday and Thursday from 8:30 to 4:30.

Holiday Closing Updates

Closed May 25 and May 27 for Memorial Day

El Paso Pollen Counts

For weekly pollen count updates and for up to date weather and holiday closures please click here for our Facebook Page.


Pollens Found in El Paso in the Fall

Tumbleweed, Sagebrush, Firebush, Pigweed and Ragweed are the most common and problematic Fall pollens. They are most common from August to November, which is unfortunately around the same time school begins.  Weed pollens have the potential to grow until the first freeze, which does not occur until October or November.  Mold allergen levels can be elevated due to the composting of mowed grasses and the decaying of tree leaves. All of these factors can trigger allergy and asthma symptoms with varying severity for patients. 

For more information on the Fall Pollen Season click here.

Spring Pollen in the El Paso Area

Summer Pollen in the El Paso Area

Fall Pollen in the El Paso Area

Telemedicine Visits:

Telemedicine visits are an easy way to follow up with a provider due to the risk of Covid and for anyone that needs refills or do not have time to come into the office. to the El Paso Stay-at-home orders.

Anyone with a smartphone or desktop/laptop with a webcam can be seen. For those without any of these devices, we will call you on the phone.

For patients with an iPhone or iPad we use Facetime for instant communication. For those with Android phones, Doximity is the easiest option. We send you a text and two clicks and we can see you.

Most follow-up visits, to review CT results or testing or to check progress or response to a treatment or for any new infection or symptoms, are easily done via telemedicine. Please contact our office at 915-592-6269 for an appointment.

Our physician assistant Felix Barron on a telemedicine call.

Our physician assistant Felix Barron on a telemedicine call.

Conditions Treated




Allergic Rhinitis

Atopic dermatitis otherwise known as eczema is a dry, itchy skin rash often associated with environmental or food allergies. In older patients this can also occur from man made materials such as cosmetics, metals and chemicals.

Skin testing to enviromental allergens and foods and patch testing to man-made materials can be useful in diagnosing this condition and for avoidance.

Topical corticosteroid medications and oral antihistamines are mainstays for treatment. For refractory dermatitis Dupixent a newer biologic medication maybe indicated.

Hives, also known as urticaria, are itchy, raised, red, welts on the skin often triggered by a reaction to food, medication, infection, or pollen.

Skin testing to foods and medications and blood testing to rule out other diseases are indicated if control with medications are ineffective.

For patients with extreme hives uncontrolled by medications, treatment with newer biologic medications like Xolair maybe indicated.

We treat all types of allergy symptoms such as sneezing, congestion, itching and throat clearing found in seasonal and perennial rhinitis.

Allergy skin testing is available for developing a plan that includes environmental avoidance to pollen’s, mold and animal dander and in formulating an exact immunotherapy or allergy shot regimen for potential long term cure. We offer immunotherapy in both a traditional weekly allergy shot program and a RUSH allergy shot program that takes only 6 weeks to reach monthly maintenance. A wide range of medical treatments including nasal and oral antihistamines, anti-inflammatory nose sprays and leukotriene mediators can be prescribed.

Asthma is a condition in which your airways become swollen and often full of mucus. Breathing is difficult and wheezing, coughing, and chest tightness can occur. Almost all uncontrolled asthmatics wake up at night and have trouble with exercise.

Pulmonary function testing and measurement of exhaled nitric oxide are useful for establishing a treatment plan for those with asthma or for confirmation of the diagnosis.

For patients with severe uncontrollable asthma we offer newer biologic treatments containing Xolair, Nucala, Fasenra and Dupixent.

Chronic Sinusitis

Food Allergies

Drug Allergies

Chronic Cough

People with food allergies have abnormal reactions to proteins in foods that normal people do not have.

There are 8 foods which account for approximately 90 percent of all food allergies. They are Cow’s milk, Eggs, Fish, Peanuts, Shellfish, Soy, Tree nuts, and Wheat.

If you suspect an allergy to foods a visit to our office is necessary. We will conduct a complete history and physical and if it is likely that you have a food allergy, we will then conduct a skin test. Food allergy skin testing is the most accurate test for identifying a food allergy.

Chronic sinusitis symptoms may include persistent congestion, sinus pressure, sinus headaches, fever and post-nasal drip for over three months duration. Allergy is one of the most common conditions that leads to chronic sinus infections. However, structural issues within your nasal cavity such as narrow passages, deviated septum, nasal polyps or tumors can also cause sinusitis. These require a CT of the Sinus to diagnose. Multiple medications, antibiotics, labs and sometimes surgery is needed to correct this infection.

The most frequent types of allergic symptoms to medications are:

Skin rashes, hives, itching, shortness of breath, swelling, and anaphylaxis.

True allergic reactions are very uncommon. Skin testing for diagnosis is available for most antibiotics and anesthetics. Unfortunately testing to aspirin products is not available.

Chronic cough is defined as cough for more than 8 weeks. The most common causes are allergic postnasal drainage, sinusitis, asthma and heartburn along with other less common causes.

Depending on your symptoms testing and treatment for allergies, asthma, heartburn and sinusitis will resolve your cough.

Cutting-edge Therapy

Innovative treatments such as biologic medications (Fasenra, Nucala, Dupixent, Xolair) for severe asthma, Xolair for unremitting hives and food desensitization for peanut and egg are available